Privacy Policy

HD Faculty™ abides by the prevailing privacy laws and data protection acts of Canada, as well as those of the United Kingdom, European Union, United States, and other jurisdictions wherein HD Faculty™ is carrying on its business and affairs, where applicable.

It is an honour and privilege to protect our clients and their personnel personal information that are entrusted to our authorized documentary agents or us via a CISRAED oS™, Telechronology™, and/or an e-Portal or e-Office of HD Faculty™.

We recognize that our client have an interest in the manner in which we and our designated data controller and/or data processing professionals collect, receive, employ, administer, transfer, enforce and ensure compliance with the set terms and in the fulfilment of the stated conditions of an executed agreement, as consented on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with all applicable privacy laws with respect to their business and personal information relating to their authorized business dealings, personal interactions, as well as legal and regulatory disclosures pertaining to permitted activities while  utilizing any of our e-Portals or e-Offices, be it directly or indirectly.

Guiding principles

Pursuant with the provision of the Act, which states that an organization is responsible for personal information under its control and shall designate an individual or individuals who are accountable for the organization’s compliance with the principles in Schedule 1 to PIPEDA.

Therefore, the presiding Compliance Officer of HD Faculty™ has been mandated to ensure that our personnel, as well as entities that are registered with us as members, participants, strategic partners and/or authorized agents are enforcing privacy protection, namely (1) ensuring that their staff receives appropriate privacy protection training and (2) ensuring that the respective entity's appointed a compliance officer who shall adhere to his/her duties and responsibilities, as set out pursuant to the provisions of the Digital Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) Canada, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), UK, EU, and any other jurisdiction wherein HD Faculty™ is carrying on its businesses and affairs, be it direct or indirect. To this end our personnel, members, participants, strategic partners and authorized agents shall:

keep the client’s personal information and their business affairs in strict confidence, as set out in our Standing Confidential Agreement, in accordance with the prevailing privacy laws of the respective jurisdiction;
apply the full jurisdiction's prevailing rule of law, as well as sound principles in respect to the collection, utilization, process and dissemination of personal and confidential information, in accordance with the prevailing laws of Canada, where applicable;
protect and care for the clients’ information once it has been collected, through the provision of adequate facility, wherein is applied prudent procedures in the collecting analyzing, storing, retrieving and employing the information provided by the clients in the facilitation of their affairs; whilst, safeguarding against misuse, loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, and/or any unethical practices;
use the information provided by the client, data controller, data processing agent or credit agency or information bureau to aid and assist the client in considering whether or not we will be granting or proving the requested facility or service in respect to the respective client, and for the purpose of administering the client’s account.;
protect personal information on laptops, USB keys and portable hard drives through technological safeguards, such as encryption and password protection;
respond to requests for access to personal information in a timely and prudent manner; and,
where applicable, as permitted by law, with the consent of the client employ the information in acceptable statistical analysis.
Subject to the prevailing laws, HD Faculty™ will not release client’s information, other than to those individuals and entities listed below, but at no time will information be authorized to be released about clients without the prior written consent of the respective client. Notwithstanding, where it is deemed fit and proper, certain information may be disclosed to:
a related company of HD Faculty™ that is, or are facilitating a transaction for, and on behalf of the client;
an authorized agent/(s) or any procuring agent/(s) of HD Faculty™ that is acting for, and on behalf of a client in question;
an authorized attorney/(s), accountant/(s), engineer/(s), consultant/(s) and a specialist, being a third-party that is acting for, and on behalf of HD Faculty™ in connection with the client; and
the Central Information Services Agency (aka CISRAED™), or its designated Business Information Manager, or financial institution, as well as to a third party entity or entities that is/are assigned to act as intermediaries or attorney in fact thereof.
Rights and privileges
HD Faculty™ or its designated insurer or re-insure, or financial institution, as well as to a third party entity or entities that is/are assigned to act as intermediaries or attorney in fact.
Rights and privileges
As a client of HD Faculty™, you have the following rights:
To receive a copy of all information that is in our possession about you, subject to any related charges for accessing and retrieving such information;
To clarify any information that is not correct or incomplete; and
Establish the limits and parameters on the use of your information.

NOTICE TO VIEWER. The Contents of this section are commercial confidential and proprietary to HD Faculty™, and as such, the information contained herein are not to be used for any personal benefit or to be disclosed, reproduced, and/or disseminated to any other person or party, be it in whole or in part. The Processing Agent, its affiliates, nominees, or otherwise are prohibited from making copy or copies, print(s), reproduction(s), dissemination, or otherwise deal with this site and or the content thereof in anyway shape or form.


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